Join the Buster Engineering Team
Welcome to the Buster Engineering Department job page. We're glad you're here!
Accelerating the growth of our company, our Buster Engineering Department is a group of Engineers passionate about great user experience and smooth interfaces. As a member of this team, you cooperate closely with the Product team to deliver the best possible experience to our users.
You will join one of our autonomous product Squads consisting of 3-5 Software Engineers, a Squad Lead, a Product Manager, and a Product Designer.
Our team ✨
Clement Izard
Staff Front-End Software Engineer
Florian Chatré
Staff frontend engineer
Lionel Caillis
Engineering Manager
Lucien Boudy
Lead Front-end Developer
Nami Falhan
Frontend Engineer
Logan Tempez
Front-end Engineer
Karim Riahi
Software Engineer
Manon Philippot
Software Engineer